pre-thanksgiving stuff

Lou says she's coming home for turkey. It pleases me that we are going to be together as a family on gobble day. Aunt m. has taken a new job and will be starting on December 1. Sassy will be living at the sky until uncle K's plant shuts down for the winter. Then she can go back home for a while until the house gets ready for sale.
I am baking the pies for dinner, planning pumpkin and pecan. Any other requests? Rockstar Jessie, are you going to the redhead's folks for the holiday?
going to Fulton tomorrow. Wish I could come home. :(
I love the fact you try to remain anonymous and talk in the third person.
He also looks a lot like Jerry.
I can't help it. I have a built in protection gene that won't go away. Anyway, it's more fun for me this way.
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