Friday, October 07, 2005

nice weekend

My work will be finished at 11:30 today and am off until Tuesday. Last weekend the deck got power washed and it is all ready for the shower scheduled in two weeks then the Halloweenie Roast in three weeks. Lou's roommate is coming along...hope we don't scare her too much. The cool weather is a welcome relief. I didn't know when summer would end and I'm tired of mowing grass.

Nice pic Sarah...who took it?

I continue to shoot dozens of pics with my digital camera. They are fun and the memory stick holds so many that I can shoot all the time and don't have to download very often. Will be working on weenie roast invitations this weekend. Any of you out there reading this, if you want a copy, let me know. Will send one to you, Sarah so you can have a copy for your scrapbook.

Peanut is getting potty trained. She is doing pretty well. Not as many little piles around.

We are 1/4 through the school year...time flies.